|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]张 瑞.微生物脂肪酶基因表达调控蛋白的研究技术进展[J].武汉工程大学学报,2015,37(03):20-24.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674—2869. 2015. 03. 005]
 Technical development of regulation protein of expression of microbial lipase gene[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2015,37(03):20-24.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674—2869. 2015. 03. 005]





Technical development of regulation protein of expression of microbial lipase gene
张 瑞
武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,湖北 武汉430074
School of Chemical Engineering & Pharmacy, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430074,China
microbial lipaseelectrophoresis technology circular dichroismzymogram DNA - array technologymass spectrometrymolecular docking
10. 3969/j. issn. 1674—2869. 2015. 03. 005
脂肪酶生产成本较高,它的应用受到一定限制,因此利用生物工程技术使得脂肪酶的生产水平得到提升是亟需解决的难题. 认识微生物脂肪酶基因表达调控规律,有助于通过基因工程技术,高水平表达生产脂肪酶,而微生物脂肪酶基因表达调控蛋白研究技术的进步决定着其成果的先进性. 纵览近年微生物脂肪酶基因表达调控蛋白的研究技术,主要有电泳技术、圆二色谱、酶谱、DNA宏观阵列技术、质谱、分子对接等,并分析应用此类研究技术的发展方向. 发现与微生物细胞表达脂肪酶蛋白调控相关蛋白,就可以对微生物细胞表达脂肪酶的生产过程进行调控操作,使得细胞的代谢过程向着有利于脂肪酶的生产的方向进行.
Owing to relatively high production costs of the present commercial lipases, the more practical application of lipase is restricted. Therefore, it is urgent to further enhance the productivity of lipase by bioengineering technology. Based on understanding the expression regulation mechanism and control law of microbial lipase gene, lipase high expression was achieved by using the strategy of genetic engineering technology. It’s well known that the progress of research technology on the microbial lipase gene expression regulation of protein is vital to advances of its achievements. Through overview of microbial lipase gene expression regulatory proteins in recent years, the main research techniques including the electrophoresis technology, circular dichroism, zymogram,DNA - array technology,mass spectrometry,and molecular docking applied to the regulation of microbial lipase are discussed. If regulation protein of expression of microbial lipase gene were found, the production process of microbial cells express lipase operation could be controlled, and the process of cell metabolism towards to the direction of lipase production could be made.


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收稿日期:2015-03-20作者简介:张 瑞(1977-),男,湖北黄石人,实验师,博士研究生. 研究方向:工业微生物.
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-04-24