YIN Hong jun,PU Gui bing,SUN Ke wei.Intensive study of fermentative biohydrogen production for food residues by inoculum pretreatment[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2009,(01):46-50.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Intensive study of fermentative biohydrogen
production for food residues by inoculum pretreatment
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
尹洪军1; 蒲贵兵1; 2; 孙可伟2
1.重庆市市政设计研究院,重庆 400020;
2.昆明理工大学固体废弃物资源化国家工程研究中心,昆明 650033
- Author(s):
YIN Hongjun1; PU Guibing1; 2; SUN Kewei2
1.Chongqing Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute,Chongqing 400020,China;
2.National Engineering Research Center of Solid Waste Resource Recovery,
Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650033,China
- 关键词:
厌氧消化污泥; 泔脚; 接种物; 批式发酵产氢; 预处理; 最大比产氢率; 产氢率
- Keywords:
anaerobic digested sludge; food residues; inoculum; batch fermentative hydrogen production; pretreatment; maximal specific hydrogen rate; specific hydrogen potential
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
采用经微波(850 W,4 min)+pH9.0预处理的泔脚为发酵底物,以预处理的城市生活垃圾厌氧消化污泥为接种物,考察了接种物的未预处理、热(80 ℃,15 min)预处理、热(80 ℃,15 min)+pH6.0预处理对泔脚中温(36 ℃)批式发酵产氢的影响.(1)Gompertz模型拟合结果表明:3个预处理方案的泔脚发酵产氢延迟时间λ分别为7.68、5.06、2.04 h,泔脚中挥发性固体最大比产氢率分别为3.05、10.10、9.24 mL/g·h,泔脚中挥发性固体产氢率分别为43.54、167.10、161.93 mL/g,生物气中氢气的最高体积含量分别为18.4%、41.2%、47.2%.结合药剂的费用,热(80 ℃,15 min)预处理具有更大的产氢优越性.(2)泔脚的发酵产氢过程也是一个酸化过程,发酵产氢结束后,3个预处理方案的发酵产氢余物的pH值在4.70~5.10,pH值均有较大幅度的下降.
- Abstract:
The batch fermentative hydrogen production at 36 ℃ from food residues with different pretrement of anaerobic digested sludge of nonpretreatment,preheated (80 ℃,15 min),preheated (80 ℃,15 min) and pH value at 6.0 were studied,and efficiency of fermentative hydrogen production was investigated.The results by Gompertz model show that:(1)the lagphase time(λ),the maximal specific hydrogen rate,the specific hydrogen potential and the maximal hydrogen contents of biogas of the four pretreatment are 7.68,5.06,2.04 h,3.05,10.10,9.24 mL/gVS·h,43.54,167.10,161.93 mL/gVS,18.4%,41.2%,47.2%,respectively.Therefore,preheated (80 ℃,15 min) and pH value at 6.0 pretreatment can enhance hydrogen production.(2)The process of fermentative hydrogen production is an acidification process,so the pH value is among 4.70 to 5.10 in the fermentative end products of the three pretreatments.
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- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:尹洪军(1977 ),男,吉林蛟河人,工程师.研究方向:水污染控制与资源化.
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