[1]段少帅,任 萌,胡厚攀.三维软件在选矿设计中的应用[J].武汉工程大学学报,2015,37(09):62-67.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674-2869. 2015. 09. 011]
UAN,EN,U.Application of 3D software in mineral processing design[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2015,37(09):62-67.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674-2869. 2015. 09. 011]
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Application of 3D software in mineral processing design
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
段少帅; 任 萌; 胡厚攀
长安大学地球科学与资源学院,陕西 西安 710054
- Author(s):
DUAN Shao-shuai; REN Meng; HU Hou-pan
College of Earth Science and Resources, Chang’an University,Xi’an 710054,China
- 关键词:
Solidworks; 三维; 选矿厂设计
- Keywords:
solidworks; three-dimensional; concentrator design
- 分类号:
- DOI:
10. 3969/j. issn. 1674-2869. 2015. 09. 011
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
目前选矿厂设计以二维平、断面图和三视图为主,已难以满足现代矿山设计、管理和生产的需要,三维图形的理解要比二维图形容易的多,探索三维造型技术在选矿厂设计中的应用具有重要意义. Solidworks软件具有灵活的草图绘制和检查功能、强大的特征建立能力和零件与装配的控制功能、装配设计及动态仿真模拟功能以及色彩渲染和动画模拟等二维软件无法比拟的优点. 通过Solidworks自底向上或者自顶向下的设计方法设计出选矿厂的各种设备,按照选矿厂设计的布置原则和厂区地理位置将各设备装配在厂区中. 通过选矿厂三维设计,全方位立体展示选矿厂设备设施布置要素,有利于提高设计效率和后期施工.
- Abstract:
Design of mineral processing is mainly based on two-dimensional plane, section and three views now, which is difficult to meet the need of modern mine design, management and production. It is easier to understand 3D graphics than two-dimensional graphics. The application of 3D modeling technology in the design of concentrating mill is of great significance. Solidworks has the advantages of flexible sketch rendering, checking, building features, controlling parts and assemblies, designing assembly, dynamic simulation,color rendering and animation simulation. Using solidworks to design a variety of concentrator equipment by the bottom-up and the top-down, we can make the equipment assembled in the factory according to the layout principle of mineral processing plant and the location of the plant. Through the 3d design of concentrating mill, the equipment of the concentrating mill is displayed from multiple and dynamical perspectives, which is conducive to the space layout of the configuration, improving the design efficiency and the later construction.
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