|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]魏兰香,曹广超*,曹生奎,等.基于USLE模型的祁连山南坡土壤侵蚀现状评价[J].武汉工程大学学报,2017,39(03):288-295.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 03. 014]
 WEI Lanxiang,CAO Guangchao*,CAO Shengkui,et al.Soil Erosion in Southern Slope of Qilian Mountains Based on Universal Soil Loss Equation Model[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2017,39(03):288-295.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 03. 014]





Soil Erosion in Southern Slope of Qilian Mountains Based on Universal Soil Loss Equation Model
魏兰香12 曹广超1* 曹生奎12 袁 杰12 吴成永12
WEI Lanxiang12CAO Guangchao1*CAO Shengkui12YUAN Jie12WU Chengyong12
1. Qinghai Province Key Laboratory of Physical Geography and Environmental Process,Xining 810008,China;2. College of Life and Geographical Sciences, Qinghai Normal University,Xining 810008,China
“3S” technology soil erosion USLE model southern slope of the Qilian
10. 3969/j. issn. 1674?2869. 2017. 03. 014
借助“3S”技术,应用USLE模型,对祁连山南坡土壤侵蚀现状进行了定量评估,分析了高程、坡度、植被覆盖度等土壤侵蚀的主要影响因子, 得到了土壤侵蚀的空间分布特征. 结果显示:2014年祁连山南坡土壤侵蚀量为1.54×107 t/a,侵蚀面积为2.21×104 km2. 从面积来看,以微度侵蚀为主,占土壤侵蚀总面积的70.43%;从侵蚀量来看,以轻、中度侵蚀为主,占总侵蚀量的87.67%;强度侵蚀和极强度侵蚀面积及其侵蚀量所占比例均极小,无剧烈侵蚀;从空间分布来看,微度侵蚀多分布在山体之间地势平坦区域,轻度侵蚀及以上级别主要分布在托勒山、走廊南山、冷龙岭、大通山及其托勒南山沿线. 坡度、植被覆盖度、海拔与土壤侵蚀模数相关性显著,土壤侵蚀级别与侵蚀量随着海拔和坡度的增加而上升,随植被覆盖度的增加而下降.
This paper assesses quantitatively the current situation of the soil erosion in the southern slope of Qilian Mountains, using technologies of the remote senescing, geographical information system and global positioning system, and universal soil loss equation model. The spatial distribution characteristics of soil erosion were obtained by analyzing the main influencing factors of soil erosion such as elevation, slope, vegetation coverage. The result shows that the erosion amount is 1.54×107 t/a and the erosion areas are 2.21×104 km2 in the southern slope of Qilian Mountains in 2014. The slight erosion accounts for 70.43% of the total soil erosion areas, and the erosion amount of mild and moderate erosion accounts for 87.67% of the total. The proportion of the intensive and extremely intensive erosion areas and their erosion amount only takes a small amount; furthermore, there is no severe erosion. Most of slight erosion distributes in the flat terrain between the mountains while the mild erosion and above mainly distribute in the?Tuole Mountain, ZoulangNanshan, Lenglongling, Datong Mountain and along the TuoleNanshan. The erosion modulus has a significant correlation with slope grade, vegetation coverage and elevation. The level and the amount of soil erosion rise with the increasing of elevation and slope while they decline as vegetation coverage increases.


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收稿日期:2016-12-29基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41361005);青海省科技厅项目(2015-Z-Y01)作者简介:魏兰香,硕士研究生. E-mail:[email protected].
更新日期/Last Update: 2017-06-23