[1]范志玮,杨 隽*,徐恩松,等.腈纶增强吸水膨胀丁腈橡胶的制备及其性能研究[J].武汉工程大学学报,2018,40(01):61-65.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 16742869. 2018. 01. 011]
FAN Zhiwei,YANG Jun*,XU Ensong,et al.Preparation and Properties of Water Swellable Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Composites Reinforced by Polyacrylonitrile Fibers[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2018,40(01):61-65.[doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 16742869. 2018. 01. 011]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Preparation and Properties of Water Swellable Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Composites Reinforced by Polyacrylonitrile Fibers
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
范志玮; 杨 隽*; 徐恩松; 潘小杰; 王 芬
武汉工程大学材料科学与工程学院,湖北 武汉 430205
- Author(s):
FAN Zhiwei; YANG Jun*; XU Ensong; PAN Xiaojie; WANG Fen
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, China
- 关键词:
腈纶; 吸水膨胀丁腈橡胶; 吸水性能; 力学性能
- Keywords:
polyacrylonitrile fibers; water swellable nitrile butadiene rubber; water absorption; mechanical properties
- 分类号:
- DOI:
10. 3969/j. issn. 16742869. 2018. 01. 011
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
采用腈纶作为增强填料,与丁腈橡胶、吸水树脂通过共混制备改性吸水膨胀丁腈橡胶复合材料。研究了腈纶、吸水树脂用量对吸水膨胀丁腈橡胶吸水性能与力学性能的影响,并用扫描电子显微镜表征了纤维在橡胶中的分散状况。结果表明,腈纶在吸水膨胀丁腈橡胶中分散均匀,且当腈纶用量为10份、吸水树脂用量为60份时,吸水膨胀丁腈橡胶综合性能达到最佳。此时,应力方向上拉伸强度与断裂伸长率分别可达6.37 MPa和943.08%,垂直方向上拉伸强度与断裂伸长率分别为5.86 MPa和715.29%,邵氏硬度提高至74 HA。吸水膨胀丁腈橡胶吸水达到平衡的时间由21 d缩短至9 d,此时吸水率可达570.34%,质量损失率为4.85%。
- Abstract:
The modified water swellable nitrile butadiene rubber (WSNBR) composites were prepared by a blending technique using nitrile butadiene rubber and water absorbent resin as precursors and polyacrylonitrile fibers as a reinforcing agent. The influences of the amount of polyacrylonitrile fibers and water absorbent resin on the water absorption and mechanical properties of WSNBR were investigated. And the distribution of the fiber in the WSNBR was characterized by scanning electron microcopy. The results showed that the polyacrylonitrile fibers were dispersed uniformly in the WSNBR,and the modified WSNBR achieved the best performance with the addition of 10 phr polyacrylonitrile fibers and 60 phr water absorbent resin. The tensile strength and elongation at break in the stress direction were 6.37 MPa and 943.1%,respectively,and 5.86 MPa and 715.3% respectively in the vertical direction. The Shore hardness increased to 74 HA and the equilibrium time of water absorption was shortened from 21 d to 9 d. The water absorption rate was 570.3% (by mass) and the mass-loss rate was 4.85%.
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- 备注/Memo:
基金项目:武汉工程大学第七届研究生教育创新基金资助项目(CX 2016010)作者简介:范志玮,硕士研究生。 E-mail:[email protected]*通讯作者:杨 隽,博士,教授。E-mail:[email protected]引文格式:范志玮,杨隽,徐恩松,等. 腈纶增强吸水膨胀丁腈橡胶的制备及其性能研究[J]. 武汉工程大学学报,2018,40(1):61-65.
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