|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]黄 萍,徐 青*,吴能森,等.蔗渣灰特性及其在建筑材料的应用研究综述[J].武汉工程大学学报,2022,44(06):599-607.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202109017]
 HUANG Ping,XU Qing*,WU Nengsen,et al.Review of Characteristics of Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash and Its Application in Construction Materials[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2022,44(06):599-607.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.202109017]





Review of Characteristics of Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash and Its Application in Construction Materials
1674 - 2869(2022)06 - 0599 - 09
黄 萍徐 青*吴能森李佳佳郑小燕
福建农林大学交通与土木工程学院,福建 福州 350108
HUANG PingXU Qing*WU NengsenLI JiajiaZHENG Xiaoyan
College of Transportation and Civil Engineering,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350108,China
sugar cane bagasse ash construction materials pozzolanic activity
Because of the pozzolanic activity of sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA),the application of SCBA in the field of building materials has become a research hotspot in recent years. In this paper,the structure,physical properties,chemical composition and mineral composition of SCBA were systematically introduced. Measures to improve the activity of bagasse ash and pozzolanic ash were discussed from three following aspects:controlling the calcination conditions,decreasing the fineness of particle size and reducing the loss on ignition. The current applications of SCBA in concrete admixture,block raw material and foundation treatment were summarized,and its influences on concrete,block and foundation performance were also analyzed. Finally,the direction of future research on the application of SCBA was prospected,and it is pointed out that the key issue is improving the pozzolanic activity.


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作者简介:黄 萍,硕士研究生。E-mail:[email protected]
*通讯作者:徐 青,博士,讲师。E-mail:xuqing@ fafu.edu.cn
引文格式:黄萍,徐青,吴能森,等. 蔗渣灰特性及其在建筑材料的应用研究综述[J]. 武汉工程大学学报,2022,44(6):599-607.

更新日期/Last Update: 2023-01-08