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 FENG Ju hong,XIONG Lei,REN Xiao fei,et al.Silicasupported perfluorobutylsulfonyl imidecatalyzedhydrolysis of cellulose[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2014,(05):9-14.[doi:103969/jissn16742869201405003]





Silicasupported perfluorobutylsulfonyl imidecatalyzedhydrolysis of cellulose
1.武汉工程大学化工与制药学院,湖北 武汉 430074;2.华中农业大学理学院化学系,湖北 武汉 430070
FENG Juhong1XIONG Lei12REN Xiaofei2MA Zhonghua2
1.School of Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430074,China; 2.Department of Chemistry,College of Sciences,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China
纤维素水解 5羟甲基呋喃甲醛全氟丁基磺酰亚胺固体酸
cellulosehydrolysis5Hydroxymethylfurfuralperfluorobutylsulfonyl imidesolid acid
为了寻求一种有效的纤维素绿色化转化途径,以获取可再生能源或高附加值化工产品,采用新的耐水性固体酸,二氧化硅负载全氟丁基磺酰亚胺催化离子液体体系中纤维素水解,考察了时间、温度和催化剂用量等对反应产物的影响,结果表明:在120 ℃下,1.5~2 h内,主要产物5羟甲基呋喃甲醛(HMF)和还原糖(TRS)分别获得29%和67%的产率,纤维素完全转化为水溶性产物.13C CP/MAS检测表明,这类固体酸酸性强于一般的固载磺酸,这有利于有效促进纤维素水解,以及进一步降解为5羟甲基呋喃甲醛.固体酸循环使用三次,还原糖产率没有明显降低,表明该类催化剂具有一定的可循环使用性能,是一种高效、对环境友好的催化剂,对纤维素的绿色转化,有良好的应用前景.
To seek for an efficient transformation of cellulose by green chemical methods for sustainable energy and high valueadded chemicals,a new waterstable solid acid,silicasupported perfl uorobutylsulfonylimide,was used to catalyze the hydrolysis reaction of cellulose in ionic liquid.The yields of 5hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and total reducing sugars(TRS) are 29% and 67% at 120 ℃ within 1.5-2.0 h;the cellulose is completely converted into soluble products.13C CP/MAS characterization indicates that the acidity of the solid acid is superior to commonlyused SO3Hstyle silica,which catalyzes the hydrolysis and subsequent dehydration to HMF effectively.The catalyst regenerated and recycled three runs with retained TRS yields,suggesting that it is effective,environmentally friendly for the conversion of cellulose.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2014-06-15