[1]庞 添,宋会访,彭玉玲*,等.基于ArcGIS的枝江市城乡建设用地适宜性评价及其发展趋势预测[J].武汉工程大学学报,2020,42(01):85-90.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.201907010]
PANG Tian,SONG Huifang,PENG Yuling*,et al.Suitability Evaluation and Development Trend Prediction of Urban and Rural Construction Land in Zhijiang City Based on ArcGIS[J].Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology,2020,42(01):85-90.[doi:10.19843/j.cnki.CN42-1779/TQ.201907010]
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Suitability Evaluation and Development Trend Prediction of Urban and Rural Construction Land in Zhijiang City Based on ArcGIS
- 文章编号:
1674 - 2869(2020)01 - 0085 - 06
- 作者:
庞 添1; 宋会访1; 彭玉玲*1; 杨 莉2
1. 武汉工程大学土木工程与建筑学院,湖北 武汉 430074;2. 湖北省国土测绘院,湖北 武汉 430000
- Author(s):
PANG Tian1; SONG Huifang1; PENG Yuling*1; YANG Li2
1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430074, China;2. Hubei Provincial Land Surveying and Mapping Institute,Wuhan 430000, China
- 关键词:
建设用地适宜性评价; 空间格局匹配度; 空间发展潜力; 空间扩张趋势; 枝江市; ArcGIS
- Keywords:
suitability evaluation of construction land; spatial pattern matching degree; spatial development potential; spatial expansion trend; Zhijiang City; ArcGIS
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Land suitability evaluation plays a fundamental role in promoting the optimal allocation of land resources and the rational development of urban and rural spaces. It is also an important prerequisite for making rational land use decision. Here,taking Zhijiang City of Hubei Province as the research area,an evaluation model of urban and rural construction land suitability was constructed to investigate the suitability of urban and rural construction land in Zhijiang City using ArcGIS data processing and spatial analysis statistical function. The suitability evaluation results were then divided into five levels. The models of spatial pattern matching research,development potential research and spatial expansion trend dynamic simulation cellular automata for urban and rural construction land were developed to study the matching between the suitability evaluation results and the current spatial pattern,the development potential and the spatial expansion trend of the construction land. This work provides a basis for rational layout and orderly development and utilization of urban and rural construction land in Zhijiang City,and establishes methods for the similar cities (counties and districts) as the reference.
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- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期:2019-07-11基金项目:湖北省教育厅科学技术研究项目(B2018053);湖北省建设科技计划项目(鄂建函〔2018〕1344);武汉工程大学人文社会科学基金(K201730,R201805);湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究项目(19Q070)作者简介:庞 添,硕士研究生。E-mail: [email protected]*通讯作者:彭玉玲,博士,讲师。E-mail: [email protected]引文格式:庞添,宋会访,彭玉玲,等. 基于ArcGIS的枝江市城乡建设用地适宜性评价及其发展趋势预测[J]. 武汉工程大学学报,2020,42(1):85-90.
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